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[Windows DevelopProfessional C# Web Services Source Code

Description: C#写web service-C# Write web service
Platform: | Size: 673792 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[CSharpWeb Services ref

Description: 该程序关于WEb Service 的编成例子 用C# 编写 简单易懂 该例子侧重客户端的编写 在Visual Studio .Net2003下编译通过 -the WEb Service procedures on the formation of examples in C# prepared easily understood examples of the focus on the preparation of the client in Visual Studio. Under compile Net2003
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: lingqinghua | Hits:


Description: 本程序实现了一个Web Service 并且实现了一个Client对Web Service提供的服务进行调用,Soap Request 和 Soap Response 都以Xml的格式显示在界面上-this program a Web Service and the implementation of a Web Service Client to provide services for the call, Soap and Soap Request Response to Xml are shown in the format interface
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 邬源 | Hits:


Description: 基于XML的Web服务被广泛认为是分布式计算技术的重要发展方向。在业界众多公司的推动下,人们对于逐渐形成的各种Web服务的相关技术与标准越来越关心。 本书主要介绍如何使用ASP.NET创建高水平的Weh服务。书中介绍了Web服务架构的核心标准,并通过实例说明了这些标准如何集成到ASP.NET中。本书还通过深入分析代码实例介绍了创建和使用Web服务的技术。本书最后介绍了三个综合的案例研究,每一个案例研究都演示了一个完整的Web服务应用程序的解决方案。 本书面向具有一定经验的中高级ASP.NET程序员。 -XML-based Web services that are widely distributed computing technology is an important development direction. Many companies in the industry under the impetus, People are gradually formed the Web services technology and standards are becoming increasingly concerned. The book describes how to use ASP.NET to create a high standard of service Weh. The book introduced a Web services architecture core standards, and illustrates how these standards integrated into ASP.NET. The book also through in-depth analysis of the code examples on the creation and use of Web services technology. The book introduced the final three integrated case studies, Each case study is a demonstration of a complete Web services application solutions. The writing has experience to the high-class ASP.NET programmers.
Platform: | Size: 4545536 | Author: demon | Hits:


Description: 一个XML Web Services,可以输出XML格式的数据,例子中的数据库只有一个“Products”表。当然,你的数据库可能有许多表,也可能你的Web Services需要访问不止一个数据库。-an XML Web Services, and can export data in XML format. examples of the database is only a "Products" table. Of course, you may have many database tables, You may also need a Web Services visit more than one database.
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: cuiwei | Hits:


Description: 简单的Ajax无刷新中文验证码程序,1.ChineseCode.cs:生成中文的一个类文件 2.PublicCla.cs:保存服务器端的中文字 3.image文件夹是验证码的背景 4.Default.aspx为验证码的主页 5.Img.aspx:将生成的汉字经过程序转换成图片再在页面上显示的图片 6.js.js:Ajax要实现的一系列操作 7.ValidateCode.aspx:从客户端传到服务端比较的页面 8.Web.config:整个项目的配置文件-Simple Ajax without refreshing Chinese Verification Code procedures, 1.ChineseCode.cs: to generate a class file in Chinese 2.PublicCla.cs: Save the server side of the Chinese characters 3.image folder is Verification Code in order to verify the background of 4.Default.aspx Code of Home 5.Img.aspx: Chinese characters will be generated through the procedure and then converted into images displayed on the page picture 6.js.js: Ajax in order to achieve a series of operations 7.ValidateCode.aspx: passed from the client services client comparison page 8.Web.config: the entire project configuration file
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: atck | Hits:

[Software EngineeringProgramming_C_Sharp_4th_2005

Description: Programming C#, the top selling book on Microsoft s high-performance C# programming language, is now in its fourth edition. Aimed at experienced programmers and web developers, this comprehensive guide focuses on the features and programming patterns that are new to C#, and fundamental to the programming of web services and web applications on Microsoft s .NET platform.
Platform: | Size: 3781632 | Author: ericchueh | Hits:


Description: 基于Csharp语言的.NET平台的一些WEB服务,希望对大家有用。-CSharp-based language. NET platform some WEB services in the hope that useful to everyone.
Platform: | Size: 165888 | Author: 白文静 | Hits:


Description: 本书内容提挈: ·通过基于组件的开发技术有效减少开发时间和成本 ·为可管理性、可靠性、灵活性和可移植性设计组件 ·使用最新的.NET技术调试应用程序 ·创建和定制可复用的Web Browser组件 ·开发、测试和安装Web服务和Windows服务 ·通过身份验证和授权确保Web应用程序安全 ·创建ADO.NET体系结构的后端组件 ·实现和管理多线程组件 ·创建与COM互操作的组件-Marshal the contents of this book: the adoption of component-based development techniques are effective in reducing the development time and cost of manageability, reliability, flexibility and portability of the design of components using the latest. NET technology to create and debug applications customized reusable Web Browser component development, testing and installation of Web services and Windows services are provided through authentication and authorization to ensure that the Web application security to create ADO. NET back-end architecture of component implementation and management of multi-threaded COM components created with interoperable components
Platform: | Size: 39141376 | Author: aglaia17 | Hits:


Description: 框架设计(第2版):CLR Via C# 被china-pub会员评为“2007年我最喜爱的十大技术图书”之一 知名技术作家类Jeff Richter 为您提供专业指导,让您迅速掌握CLR和.NET Framework 2.0-The purpose of this book is to explain how to develop applications and reusable classes for the .NET Framework. Specifically, this means that I intend to explain how the CLR works and the facilities it offers. I ll also discuss various parts of the FCL. No book could fully explain the FCL—it contains literally thousands of types, and this number is growing at an alarming rate. So, here I m concentrating on the core types that every developer needs to be aware of. And while this book isn t specifically about Windows Forms, XML Web services, Web Forms, and so on, the technologies presented in the book are applicable to all of these application types.
Platform: | Size: 18802688 | Author: wubo | Hits:

[Software EngineeringCsharpprojects

Description: This book provides readers with the knowledge of Visual C# concepts. In addition to the concepts explained in the chapters, the book provides readers with several projects that enable them to create Windows applications,Web services,Web applications, and mobile Web applications.The book aims for providing the readers with extensive knowledge of C# so that they are able to develop live projects using C#. The book is aimed at readers with a basic knowledge of programming.
Platform: | Size: 6462464 | Author: vahid | Hits:

[GIS programWebGIS-development-ArcGIS-Server-and.NET

Description: 《WebGIS开发-ArcGIS Server与.NET》源码,国内第一本Web GIS开发实战手册,以丰富的实例,系统、全面地介绍了基于Web服务的GIS开发,使用C#语言开发基于ArcGIS Server的Web GIS.-WebGIS development-ArcGIS Server and. NET. Web GIS development of China s first actual combat in this manual to a wealth of examples, systematic and comprehensive introduction to GIS-based Web services development, using C# language development based on ArcGIS Server for Web GIS.
Platform: | Size: 10306560 | Author: 小白鲨 | Hits:


Description: C#高级编程 第2版 本书为一本综合性C#的图书,第一章 .NET结构, 第二章 c#简介,第三章 c#基础,第四章 类和继承,第五章 面向对象的c#语言,第六章 C#的高级论题,第七章 c#和基类, 第八章 在.NET环境中编程,第九章 windows应用程序,第十章 装配件,第十一章 .NET的数据访问,第十二章 查看.NET的数据,第十三章 XML,第十四章 文件和注册表制作,第十五章 使用Active Directory,第十六章 ASP.NET页面,第十七章 Web服务 第十八章 定制控件,第十九章 COM的互操作性 ,第二十章 COM+服务,第二十一章 会用GDI+绘图,第二十二章 访问Internet,第二十三章 带有.NET Remoting的分布式应用程序 第二十四章 windows服务 第二十五章 .NET的安全性-This book is a comprehensive C# books, chap. NET architecture, c# Introduction Chapter II, Chapter III c# base class and inherit Chapter IV, Chapter V c# object-oriented languages​ ​ , the sixth chapter of C# senior thesis, and Chapter VII c# base class, in Chapter VIII. NET programming environment, Chapter windows application, chapter assembly, Chapter XI. NET data access, see Chapter XII. NET data, Chapter XIII XML, making files and registry XIV, Chapter XV using Active Directory, ASP.NET page Chapter XVI, Chapter XVII Chapter XVIII custom controls Web services, the tenth IX COM interoperability, Chapter COM service, twenty-first chapter will use GDI drawing, Chapter XXII access the Internet, with twenty-three chapters. NET Remoting twenty-fourth of distributed applications Chapter XXV windows service. NET security
Platform: | Size: 35188736 | Author: fangwei | Hits:


Description: 《Visual C#2008从入门到精通》围绕着基础知识和这些新特性全面介绍了如何利用Visual Studio 2008和.NET Framework来进行C#编程。书中沿袭深受读者欢迎的Step by Step风格,通过丰富的练习引导读者逐步构建Windows应用程序,访问SQL Server数据库,开发ASP.NET Web应用程序,创建并使用Web服务等。Visual C#作为微软的旗舰编程语言,经过几年的长足发展,在全球得以迅速普及,成为很多程序员的首选语言。Visual C# 2008新增了大量可圈可点的丰富特性全书共六部分30章,结构清晰,叙述清楚。所有练习均在Visual Studio 2008简体中文版上进行过全面演练。-" Visual C# 2008 From Novice to Professional" around the basic knowledge and these new features a comprehensive introduction to C# Programming with Visual Studio 2008 and. NET Framework. Step by Step style book followed by the readers through a wealth of exercises to guide readers step by step to build Windows applications to access SQL Server databases, develop ASP.NET Web applications, create and use Web services. Visual C# as the programming language of Microsoft' s flagship, after several years of rapid development in the global popularity quickly become the preferred language of many programmers. Visual C# 2008 added a large number of remarkable feature-rich book is six parts, 30 chapters and a clear structure, clear narrative. All exercises are carried out in the Simplified Chinese version of Visual Studio 2008 comprehensive drill.
Platform: | Size: 2306048 | Author: 王桢您 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringIntroduction-to-Visual-Studio-and-CSharp

Description: In this Tutorial we will use Visual Studio 2010 and C# 4.0. C# is the programming language, while Visual Studio is the development environment. 1.1 Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It can be used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Phone, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.-In this Tutorial we will use Visual Studio 2010 and C# 4.0. C# is the programming language, while Visual Studio is the development environment. 1.1 Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It can be used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Phone, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.
Platform: | Size: 1820672 | Author: gb asf | Hits:

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